About ★・゚

Hello and welcome! Here's me (thru music)

I'm Hadiza. I make music under my first name and as 1/2 of Collidescope. Call me an 'experimental' musician, composer cool. I sing, I play keys, I fonk around with some beats, I try to play bass, I'm learning drums (they SATISFY). The music I make as Hadiza (with a period) is called Diaspora Gothic and it is an ever strengthening channel through which I connect with my MaGe and QTgnc ancestors, the ones who flew up from the center and who made up the circumference of the rings, the ones who never left the bush.
I'm working on my second album, Diaspora Gothic, a follow up to my first album Shadow Weight (available everywhere) and aim to release it in fall of this year. I'll be sure to let neocities know once Diaspora Gothic the album is ready. I've got a couple other releases as Hadiza. You can hear my first release Gone on Bandcamp and last but not least but certainly most *random*, is a dance/music video called Y2K .

Collidescope is a project between me and my best friend and roommate Madi, (who makes music solo as Babydoll). We formed in my home town Iowa City, fall of 2016. We didn't have a name till our first show, and I think that was early 2017. We started out making "soulgaze" music, and have come quite a long way from that since. We've got three releases, which if you listen you can probably get a sense of the development of our sound. We released Systemic first. Next was DEEP TAPE and most recently has been Funhouse. We've got a few more tricks up our sleeve before we take a bit of a break...